ATOTCLIC Linux Scratch on Linux.

Scratch on Linux.

Debian / Ubuntu Package



You can download the latest Scratch package for Ubuntu from our Download page. If you’d like to help improve the scratch package for Linux, e-mail us directly.



64 bit systems

The Scratch package is currently only available in a 32 bit version. Scratchers have reported good results forcing the installation of the package on their 64 bit systems.

First, make sure that ia32libs are installed – these allow 32 bit packages to run on 64 bit systems:

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

Next download the Scratch package, cd to the directory, and run the following command:

sudo dpkg –force-architecture -i ./scratch_1.4.0.1-0ubuntu5_i386.deb

Fedora / RPM package

A helpful member of the Scratch community has made an RPM version of Scratch. You can download a beta version of the package here: scratch-

The spec file for this package is hosted on Assembla, as is the list of bugs.

Scratch Source Code

The Scratch Source code is available under two different licenses: The Scratch Source Code License and the GPL v2. See the Scratch Source Code page.

Linux Camera Plugin

The camera Plug-in for Scratch on Linux is designed to work out of the box with a wide range of USB webcams. If you are having problems, see this page for help troubleshooting.

Scratch and Squeak

Scratch runs on Squeak, which is written in smalltalk, one of the first object oriented languages. So Scratch is an ‘image’ that runs in a squeak virtual machine built for a particular OS. You can find out more about Squeak and Scratch on our Source Code page.

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